¿Qué es más punk que la biblioteca pública? Totebag

  • ¿Qué es más punk que la biblioteca pública? Totebag

This design was inspired by the DC Punk Archive, hosted by the DC Public Library. Your order supports local library programming at the Mt. Pleasant Branch (3160 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20010) of the Washington, DC Public Library System.

This item is available for shipping online, not local pick-up. However, if you are local, we will have these shirts available at the Mount Pleasant Farmer's Market (3258 Mt Pleasant St NW, Washington, DC 20010) for sale on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, come stop by our table to grab this item and check out our other merchandise and used books for sale.

All orders take up to 14 business days to be processed and shipped.

* Refund policy — Contact us for a replacement or refund if you have any issues with your product.
* Delivery policy — All packages are tracked through USPS and usually take up to 2 weeks for US address’s and 3-4 weeks for overseas delivery.
* Return policy – Contact us for a replacement if you have any issues with your product.
* Cancellation policy — Contact us here if you need to cancel your order.